Faculty Profile

Kathryn Bartholomew

Kathryn Bartholomew

Professor Emerita of Languages and Linguistics

Email: kbarthol@kongtiao11.com

Education: BA, University of Washington, 1969; MA, University of Washington, 1970; PhD, University of Washington, 1978. At SPU 1989–2018. Emerita since 2018.

Kathryn Bartholomew regularly taught both undergraduates and graduate students in subjects ranging from an introductory course in linguistics to advanced courses in morphology, grammar, methods of foreign language teaching, and professional issues and ethics. She has also taught French, Italian and Spanish.

Dr. Bartholomew was extensively involved in SPU study abroad programs, and was co-leader of European Quarter 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2013, and 2016, where along with general cultural knowledge a guiding theme has been the complex and shifting relationships between Church and State in various European contexts.

Additionally, Dr. Bartholomew directed the SPU master’s degree program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA-TESOL) from 1993 until her retirement. The program has served students from more than 20 countries around the world. In fact, its graduates are teaching and in leadership positions in at least that many countries.

In addition to service on various faculty governance committees and task forces, Dr. Bartholomew has served two terms as chair or co-chair of her undergraduate department, serving as faculty chair in 2007–08 (chair-elect 2006–07, past chair 2008–09).

Dr. Bartholomew is an active member of Trinity Parish Church, where she serves as lector and chalice bearer and sings in the choir; she has also served on the Vestry.